The goal of Energy Cluster North Savo is to improve the opportunities for companies operating in the energy sector to innovate and develop utility services, company services and products, enabling growth and success in both domestic and global markets.
Business Partners
Companies involved in the project:
HögforsGST Oy is a pioneer in smart energy, offering high-quality heating and cooling systems.
Kuopion Energia Oy is a versatile and modern energy service company.
Lamit Oy is a specialist in energy projects.
Savon Voima Oyj offers versatile and sustainable energy services.
Stora Enso Varkauden tehdas is a versatile bioproduct integration, consisting of a packaging board factory, a sawmill and an LVL (laminated veneer lumber) factory.
Sumitomo SHI FW Energia Oy:n industry is steam boilers and steam cookers.
Suomivalimo Oy is a supplier of medium-sized iron castings.
Varkauden Aluelämpö Oy is an innovative district heating company owned by the city of Varkaus and Savon Voima Oyj.
FINHCIP Heat Circulation Innovation Platform
Research work promoting carbon-neutral heat production is carried out by cooperating actors and the emphasis of cooperating parties in terms of project cooperation in Finland:
Business Finland is the Finnish government organization for innovation funding and trade, travel and investment promotion.
Centria UASn special expertise focuses on promoting the utilization of side streams suitable for low-carbon energy production, increasing regional energy community based on self-sufficiency, energy efficiency and sustainable use of resources.
Cursor Oy is the development company of the Kotka-Hamina region and Cursor produces business and development services, is responsible for business consulting for the municipalities in the region and implements development projects in the region.
Haminan Energia Oy is a modern energy company investing in wind power and biogas owned by the city of Hamina.
South-Eastern Finland UAS (XAMK) special expertise focuses on decentralized energy systems, e.g. for utilizing surplus heat, promoting energy efficiency and energy systems.
Kotkan Energia Oy is an energy group owned by the city of Kotka that offers versatile energy services and products.
Mäntsälän Yrityskehitys Oy develops the local business life in its area and offers business advice.
Navitas Business Services offers a comprehensive service for entrepreneurs and companies in the Varkaus area.
Novia UASn special expertise focuses on strong energy technical know-how, renewable energy systems, energy storage solutions and expertise in intelligent systems.
Satakunta UAS (SAMK) special expertise focuses on sustainable energy solutions in addition to carbon neutrality and energy efficiency.
Turku Business Region is the most dynamic business and innovation cluster in Finland.
Turun ammattikorkeakoulun erityisosaaminen liittyy hukkalämpöjen hyödyntämiseen ja lämpöenergian kausivarastoinnin tietämykseen ja ja kansallisiin verkostoihin. www.
Vaasa UAS (VAMK) special expertise focuses on alternative renewable energy sources, life cycle thinking and intelligent energy distribution.
Yrityssalo Oy is an entrepreneurship service center that develops the conditions for the growth of the Salo region and the competitiveness of companies.
Åbo Akademi University is an internationally significant Swedish-language research university whose activities cover research and education in most disciplines.