In the Savilahti area, cold water is taken from the depths of Lake Kallavesi for the production of local cooling

Kuopion Energia provides district heating and cooling services for the entire area of Savilahti, Kuopio. Energy-efficient district cooling is possible due to the proximity of the lake, and more than 70 percent of the district cooling in Kuopio’s Savilahti area is produced by so-called with free cooling, i.e. with cold lake water.
The Savilahti district cooling plant (called Kallan Kylmä) was completed in 2020 in the Savilahti district of the city of Kuopio. The nominal cooling capacity of the district cooling plant is approximately 30 megawatts and the production capacity is 30 gigawatt hours per year. One water cooling machine and one heat pump with an output of 2.5 megawatts have been installed at the district cooling plant. When the temperature of the lake water is at its highest in summer, the cooling machine and the heat pump work as backup machines and they produce coolness in July-August. The district cooling plant also has an option for another heat pump with an output of 2.5 megawatts.
Cold water is pumped from the Lake Kallavesi from a depth of 32 meters and is led through a 1.2 meter pipe to the district cooling plant, where the cold is transferred to the district cooling network through heat exchangers. The cold energy of the eight-degree water is transferred to the customers via the heat distribution center to the property’s cooling system. The surplus heat obtained from the property through the cooling system is transferred to cold water and the heated water is returned to the cooling plant, where it is cooled with lake water and, if necessary, heat pumps and compressors. The waste heat of the buildings recovered by the cooling plant is converted into district heat with a heat pump.
District cooling based on free cooling is energy efficient and, in addition, it has the advantage of requiring little investment compared to building-specific cooling solutions. Free-cooled district cooling is an ecological and reliable solution for cooling buildings.
Kuopio Energia is responsible for the operation, service and maintenance of the district cooling plant.
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Kuopion Energian Savilahden kaukojäähdytyslaitos käynnistää tuotannon – Kuopion Energia
KE_Kaukojäähdytys_presentaatio_26102018.pdf (
Basic Information |
Implementation year: 2020 |
Implementer: Kuopion Energia |