The Iisalmi power plant’s own waste heat is used as district heating with an innovative heat pump system

At Savon Voima’s Iisalmi power plant, heat is produced with two fluidized bed boilers of a total of 60 megawatts, and 65 percent of the production fuel is renewable.
In the spring of 2021, the first industrial class heat pump was put into use at the Iisalmi power plant, which recovers the power plant’s own waste heat and processes it into district heat.
The district heating power of the heat pump is 823 kilowatts and the cooling power is 579 kilowatts. The value of the heat pump investment is 360,000 euros.
During the summer, 10 percent of Iisalmi’s district heating is produced by a heat pump from the energy of the outside air. With this advanced heat pump technology, even low-grade heat sources can be utilized, and the heat pump system reduces the power plant’s carbon dioxide emissions by 800,000 kilograms per year. At the same time, the heat pump solution also works as a cooler, and the previously used cooling fans can work in reverse as energy collectors in the process.
Calefa Oy has delivered the heat pump system to the Iisalmi power plant as a complete delivery. With a special heat pump, temperatures of 90 degrees suitable for the district heating network can be produced with good efficiency. The efficiency of the Iisalmi heat pump is 3.37. The heat sources of a special heat pump can be the heat of the air and water bodies, industrial waste heat, and in addition geothermal heat and the sun.
Read more in finnish:
Uusi lämpöpumppujärjestelmä jalostaa Iisalmen voimalaitoksen omat hukkalämmöt kaukolämmöksi – Savon Voima
Lämpöpumppujärjestelmä tehostamaan voimalaitosta – “Tämä on meille merkittävä askel” – Calefa
Basic Information |
Implementation year: 2021 |
Implementor: Savon Voima |
Investment |
Investment costs EUR 360 000 |
Achieved benefits |
Emission reduction: CO2 emissions 800 t/a |